Friday, July 1, 2011

Summer LOVE!!!

 Im so glad that I get to spend my summer with the love of my life. We have already have had so many adventures together and there are plenty more to come. :)
Braves Game!

Road Trip To Arizona!

D-Backs Vs. Braves
Hurricane Rodeo
Hide to the water fall up Hobble Creek

Arizona here we come!

Art City Days 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011

Bucket List

I decided to make a bucket list today at work because I feel like I should write all the things I want to do in my life down and mark them off ask I go.
  • Go to Greece
  • Watch a Yankees game at Yankees Stadium
  • Get married to my true LOVE
  • Go to a pro baseball game (doing this on Thursday 5/19/2011)
  • Go skydiving
  • Go in a hot air balloon
  • Have a cute house of my own!
  • Volunteer to help special need kids
  • Become a PTA
  • Start my own practice
  • Adopt a baby
  • Go on a vacation with my best friend HEATHER
  • Coach a softball team
  • Go to India to help with orphans
  • Go on a Alaskan Cruise
  • Get a full body massage by a Massage Therapist
  • Take Lance on a horse
  • Live in a different State
  • Learn to Salsa Dance
  • Go on a Safari
  • Be at time square on New Years Eve
  • Own a dog
  • Eat Thai food
  • Go scuba diving
  • Go on a helicopter ride
I hope I get to all these before I die. I best be working on it.

Monday, April 25, 2011

How Lance & Kenzie became lovers!!

It was my sophomore year at Springville High I had started the year out with horrible classes and needed to change them. I really like working with special needs kids so I switched my Spanish class to peer tutoring! The first day I walked into class I saw this tall dark haired kid and thought "WOW". I knew I shouldn't of been thinking that because I had a boyfriend at the time but I did! I couldn't help it! (oh and just so you know he was in there to be a tutor not to have one! haha) We instantly became friends, We started going to lunch together in Lances BIG BLUE BOAT CAR! Then Lance asked me to go to "El Cheapo" which was a dance that you tried to spend the least amount possible. We really didn't try to keep it that cheap because we went bowling at DUKES LANE then had some ice cream at cold stone then we all went to the dance. Lance and I were slow dancing and he leaned down and kissed me! I pulled away cause I was in shock and Lance just kept saying sorry because he thought I still had a boyfriend. (Which I had just broke up with because he didn't want me to hang out with my friends). After that I couldn't help but want to kiss him again so I did. :) We hung out for a few more days then we started to lose each other because we didn't have class together anymore. Before I knew it we weren't talking to each other. We had gone different ways.
Then one random summer night going into my Junior year I decided to text my friend Lance to see what he had been up to and he ended up coming over to my house to watch a movie. All I remember about that night was a bloody nose. Haha! After that night we stopped talking to each other again. I got a boyfriend and Lance got a girlfriend, so it would of been weird for us to talk to each other.
My Senior year rolled around and I hadn't seen or heard from Lance in about a year and a half. I started hanging out with my friend Kailee Olson come to find out that Lance was dating her older sister. It was weird because one day I just walked into Kailee's house and Lance was right in front of me. All these flash backs of the good times we had started to come back to me. I couldn't even get words out to say anything so I just kept walking. That whole year I don't think I said one word to Lance because I knew I probably would of said something dumb and total embarrass myself.
Another year rolled around and still hadn't talked to Lance. It was a Sunday so I was bored sitting on facebook and noticed it was Lance's birthday so I thought I would tell him happy birthday maybe it will start a conversation. Well my plan worked! Lance and I spend the whole summer together! We had so many adventures that I will never forget. One of my favorite ones was four wheeling and he let me drive. I almost killed us! Everyone thought we were a couple but we were just best friends because I didn't want to start anything before I left to school in St. George. The summer went by so fast before I knew it I was off to school and once again Lance and I stopped talking! It was all my fault! I made a whole semester in St. George and wanted to come back home to my friends and family. I loved it in St. George but I really missed not being able to see my family whenever I wanted. My family is my WORLD!!! Even though I had moved back I still had not talked to my best friend Lance! He was not happy with me because I just up and left and left him hanging. I really didn't blame him for not wanting to talk to me.
Another random day I was checking my facebook and a message popped up, it was from Lance!!! It was a message telling me that he missed his best friend and wanted to start hanging out again! :) I was so happy! I read the message to my mom and she could tell I was super happy! Lance and I were best friends again! We started hanging out and going on dates! Lance had talked about being more then friends but I was too scared to take that step because I didn't want to lose my best friend again. Then March 30, 2011 happened, I had came home from a long day at work and I went down to change out of my dress clothes into sweats.When I opened to door to my room there was a big bouquet of Gerber daisy's (my favorite flower) with a note that said "I LOVE YOU" and a CD. I had no idea who there were from and then as I was listen to the CD the song "My Best Friend" by Tim McGraw came on and I knew it was my best friend Lance. I could not get the smile of my face, I was the happiest girl! My mom was even crying because she knew that Lance was the one for me! April 2nd was the day Lance and Kenzie became lovers! We have been with each other everyday ever since. I love Lance Troy Houghton!
 We have had our ups and downs. We seen each other through the bad and the good. We have been each others shoulder to cry. We have made each other laugh to the point that we're crying. We have been each others everything and so much more! I will always love my best friend! I am never going to leave him! He is stuck with me for the rest of his life! I hope he can handle me! :)
Fishing with Lance 2010

Fishing once again!

Camping with Lancer 2010
Fiesta Days
Jazz Game!
Four Wheeling Trip (the one I almost killed us)
Watching Dustin play softball
Matching Sweatshirts
Playing catch on Lances shoulders

Monday, April 4, 2011

My Tattoo & The Meanings

I got my first tattoo when I was 18 just about ready to turn 19. Cory Jex told me that if you to get a tattoo Kenzie make sure it means something to you because its permanent. It took me over a year to decide what I wanted but when I decided I knew it was perfect for me. I heard a song called tonight by FM static. This chorus is what my tattoo is. I know my daddy is in the stars when I miss him I just look up and know he's looking down at me.
"Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up
I need your loving hands to come and pick me up
And every night I miss you
I can just look up
And know the stars are
Holding you, holding you, holding you

My next tattoo was also for my dad. I got it when I moved down to St. George. I knew I wanted another one but I didn't know what i should get since I had already had one for my dad. But really My stars could be meant for anyone that I have lost and missed so I wanted to get something that meant more for my dad. So I decided to get a Hawaiian flower that says "A Hui Hou" which means "Til we meet again" and I tied the stars in as well. I got the a Hawaiian flower because you never saw my dad without a Hawaiian shirt on its the only thing he wore. The flower is in his favorite colors red, yellow, and blue. So this was more of my dad for me.

My final tattoo is for my best friend Cory Jex! Cory was this kid that thought we was so hard core but really he was the sweetest, loving, respectful guy I know! I was lucky to of been one of his friends. So my last tattoo that I will ever get is for him. I got sparrows holding brass knuckles and a banner with his initials. Sparrow repesents freedom and the brass knuckles just remind me of him because he always had pair of brass knuckles on him.
My tattoos may not mean anything to other people but they mean the world to me. :) I want to thank Heather and Jayson for being there for when I got my last tattoo. They held my hand through all the pain! You guys are the best! Also Thank you Marcus for doing such an amazing job on Corys tattoo. It means the world to me!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Made My Day!

March 30th I was one of those days that you will never forget. I had came home from along day of work and I was on my way down to my room to change out of my work clothes. As I opened my door I saw a HUGE vase full of my favorite flowers. I had no idea who they were from the letter only said "I love you" on it. The CD that they made for me only said "I love you" on it. I was happy but nervous because I had no clue who left these flowers for me. My mind was spinning trying to figure out who would do this.
Finally I decided maybe if I listen to the CD I will figure out who sent this to me. The second song on the CD I just felt this BIG SMILE come across my face because the song "My Best Friend" by Tim McGraw was on. I knew right then it was my best friend LANCE TROY HOUGHTON!!! I just started to cry because I never thought I would be in love like this. I never thought I was going to love someone ever again after I lost my best friend Cory, but Cory knew there was still another person out there to take care of me like he did. Not only was I crying my eyes out when I was listening to the CD but my mom was in the room crying! She just was so amazed to see how much Lance cares about me. (Not that she hadnt before it was just more intense through this CD).
Now the thought is going through my mind....Is Lance the one for me? Is Lance my true love? If so how come I didnt know this sooner? I need to get some answers but the only way im going to get them is by praying to my Heavenly Father. I know that my life is suppose to change dramatically in the next two years, so is this the first dramatic change? Am I suppose to be McKenzie Phillips Houghton? So many questions and still trying to get the answers. All I know is that when I listen to "My Best Friend" I cant stop thinking about Lance and I get butterflies in my stomach! "Life with you makes perfect sense, Your my best friend". I dont know how many times im going to listen to this song. If you know Lance and I this song fits us perfect so take a listen.

Monday, March 21, 2011

My life is changing

Its finally over for reals. I have spent the last two weeks missing my greatest friend Cory Jex. I have had flash back and nightmares though this whole thing. But I know Cory is free from all his pain and sorrow he had here. He is happier then he has ever been, with amazing people that love him. Yeah he may not have is family or friends with him but he does have other people that love him. I truly do believe that I am going to see Cory again. I don't know when but when that day comes he is going to be there with opened arms saying welcome along with my dad and grandpas. Just thinking about that makes me wish i was sooner but i know its not my time to go. I still have a lot of things that i need to work on. This weekend was an eye opener to me. Cory's funeral really was an eye opener. I know I'm going to sound churchy right now but i have to share this experience with everyone. At Cory's funeral they had a Pasteur. (Cory didn't have a religion really so they kind of did there own thing with the funeral) Well everyone was crying but they weren't crying because of the words the Pasteur was saying they were crying because we missed Cory. When the funeral was over and we went the burial site is uncle said a Mormon prayer. The group of people i was around just started to cry so hard and hold on to each other and not let go. After the prayer was finish the sun came out and we knew right then Cory was there with us. Holding us together making us closer friends. I gained friendships that i never thought i would ever have. I truly am so grateful for them to just take me in as a friend. I want to thank Jayson Cranmer, James Coleman, Alex Mecham, Tyler Dawe, and Heather Allen for helping me though all this. You guys are amazing people and i am blessed to have you guys to go to if i ever need you. 
I am so glad that I got the chance to meet Cory Jex and become a friend of his. He had so many friends that he never knew about. Cory is one loved person no matter where he is everyone is going to fall in love with him. He is a perfect angel that i get to have watch over me for the rest of my life. I'm a very blessed person to have so many angel watching out for me. I love my angels with all my heart!

I believe that everything happens for a reason. People make mistakes so that they can learn there lessons. I know i have learned a lot of lessons and i know that there are still more to come. God puts all these things in my life because he knows that i can handle it. I may want to die when they happen but in the end it just makes me a even more stronger person. At age 20 i have gone though more then any other 20 year old has ever gone though. God knows that I'm going to be a big impact on the world because of all struggles that i have over came. I was put on this earth to work for him and help people with there struggles. To tell them that its going to be ok that its not the end. There are never goodbyes just see you later. This is a quote that kept me going "Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I'll miss you, Until we meet again!" ~Author Unknown
There is no such thing as goodbye and there never will be. There is another life after we die. We just leave our bodies and our spirit are still alive roaming around. Watching over all of there loved one that are still on here making sure there ok. I know my dad is watching over me and making sure that I'm doing okay. 
I really just want to thank everyone that is in my life for making me who i am today. If it wasn't for you guys i would be lost. You are my world! Thank you for everything....I have attached Cory's movie that i made "Free At Last" 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Goodbye Cory Jex!

March 13, 2011 was a day that i want to forget. I just want it to disapear and never come back. I lost my best friend Cory. We made so many promises to each other that will never happen. I remember the day i met Cory. He came knocking at my door (not going to lie i was scared of him) to come hang out with my brother and Tyler. Once i got to know Cory i couldnt help but love him, he has such a big heart and would do anything for anyone. Him and Tyler talked me into gettting my ear pierced more then once and to get a tattoo. I really thought my mom was going to kill me for both things. I remember spending numerous nights down in Tylers bedroom laughing at youtube videos. We could spend hours together laughing. If it wasnt for my brother Seth (Honkey as Cory said) i would of never met this amazing guy. We helped each through thick and thin. When we needed a place to run we would run to each others houses. My greatest memory though of Cory would be when i was painting my room he came to help me and my mom. We got the cricket out to make vinyl sayings to go in my room and Cory wouldnt let anyone else tauch the machine. He was having a so much fun with it, he said he should become a sticker maker. LOL! My room still has the quote he made "LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE". He always seemed to come over at the time i was doing some kind of craft and he always was willing to help me.
We became such good friends over the years that we promised each other if i was married by 25 that he would marry me. I would of married Cory any day because he was perfect in my eyes. I had never been treated so good by a guy till i met Cory. Its sad to say that i never really did get the chance to date him or go on a date with him. We were just way too good of friend and we didnt want to ruin anything. Plus he always talked about the girl of his dreams Destiny. He would of bent over backwards for her. I never really got to meet her but he talked enough about her that i felt like i knew her.
Cory give my dad and grandpas a big hug for me. Im really going to miss you Cory! Please know that i will always love you! You were such a remarkable person! Everyone is going to miss you! I will keep all the promises that we made. I LOVE YOU CORY JEX!!! Rest in peace!