Monday, March 21, 2011

My life is changing

Its finally over for reals. I have spent the last two weeks missing my greatest friend Cory Jex. I have had flash back and nightmares though this whole thing. But I know Cory is free from all his pain and sorrow he had here. He is happier then he has ever been, with amazing people that love him. Yeah he may not have is family or friends with him but he does have other people that love him. I truly do believe that I am going to see Cory again. I don't know when but when that day comes he is going to be there with opened arms saying welcome along with my dad and grandpas. Just thinking about that makes me wish i was sooner but i know its not my time to go. I still have a lot of things that i need to work on. This weekend was an eye opener to me. Cory's funeral really was an eye opener. I know I'm going to sound churchy right now but i have to share this experience with everyone. At Cory's funeral they had a Pasteur. (Cory didn't have a religion really so they kind of did there own thing with the funeral) Well everyone was crying but they weren't crying because of the words the Pasteur was saying they were crying because we missed Cory. When the funeral was over and we went the burial site is uncle said a Mormon prayer. The group of people i was around just started to cry so hard and hold on to each other and not let go. After the prayer was finish the sun came out and we knew right then Cory was there with us. Holding us together making us closer friends. I gained friendships that i never thought i would ever have. I truly am so grateful for them to just take me in as a friend. I want to thank Jayson Cranmer, James Coleman, Alex Mecham, Tyler Dawe, and Heather Allen for helping me though all this. You guys are amazing people and i am blessed to have you guys to go to if i ever need you. 
I am so glad that I got the chance to meet Cory Jex and become a friend of his. He had so many friends that he never knew about. Cory is one loved person no matter where he is everyone is going to fall in love with him. He is a perfect angel that i get to have watch over me for the rest of my life. I'm a very blessed person to have so many angel watching out for me. I love my angels with all my heart!

I believe that everything happens for a reason. People make mistakes so that they can learn there lessons. I know i have learned a lot of lessons and i know that there are still more to come. God puts all these things in my life because he knows that i can handle it. I may want to die when they happen but in the end it just makes me a even more stronger person. At age 20 i have gone though more then any other 20 year old has ever gone though. God knows that I'm going to be a big impact on the world because of all struggles that i have over came. I was put on this earth to work for him and help people with there struggles. To tell them that its going to be ok that its not the end. There are never goodbyes just see you later. This is a quote that kept me going "Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I'll miss you, Until we meet again!" ~Author Unknown
There is no such thing as goodbye and there never will be. There is another life after we die. We just leave our bodies and our spirit are still alive roaming around. Watching over all of there loved one that are still on here making sure there ok. I know my dad is watching over me and making sure that I'm doing okay. 
I really just want to thank everyone that is in my life for making me who i am today. If it wasn't for you guys i would be lost. You are my world! Thank you for everything....I have attached Cory's movie that i made "Free At Last" 

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